Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jim Rogers: Commodities Go Higher No Matter What

"If there is war, [America] is going to print money. If there is not war, they are going to print money and so whenever there has been money printing, the result has been that you should have your money in real assets.

It has been a pretty clear thing throughout history. The real assets are the only way to protect yourself. Real assets are basically the only way to protect yourself in time of war.

So in my view whatever happens, if the world economy gets better, commodities are going to be good because of the shortages developing. If there is war, commodities go up in war. If there is peace and there is not going to be an economic recovery for governments, they are going to print even more money, it is the western government. So depending on how things work out tonight, I would probably use this opportunity to jump in and buy more commodities."

Jim Rogers

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