Monday, March 21, 2011

Paul Tudor Jones: I Blame Our Economic Malaise On Manipulation Of The Yuan And The Loss Of U.S. Labor To China

"The root cause of the unemployment woes is quite obvious. In the United States alone, in the last two decades, nearly six million jobs in manufacturing have been lost overseas. This equates to nearly four percentage points of the current 9.7% US unemployment rate. As importantly, the migration of these jobs contributed to the most unsustainable economic imbalance in the world today—China’s persistent bilateral trade surplus with the United States. During the last decade, China accumulated almost $1.4 trillion of US debt and at least $2.3 trillion in global assets. These figures could grow to $3.8 trillion and $7 trillion, respectively, over the next decade if the current renminbi/US dollar (RMB/USD) exchange rate continues to be artificially suppressed from appreciating."

Paul Tudor Jones


  1. Can't blame our problems here in the US on anybody but both the politicians and the people here.
